Date(s) - 28/05/2025 - 29/05/2025
IBM BTO Kraków
On May 28 and 29, 2025, we invite you to Krakow for the 25th Conference of the Polish Db2 Users Group!
The event will take place at the IBM BTO BCS Client Center in Krakow, at Armii Krajowej Street 16, and will last for two days (Wednesday and Thursday).
During the conference, presentations will be given in the following thematic tracks:
Db2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows (with an additional lab section)
Db2 for z/OS
On Wednesday evening, all participants are invited to an integration evening.
The detailed conference agenda will be published soon.
* By sending your reservation you consent to the processing of your personal data contained in the application form for registration necessary to do Conferences (according to the Law of 29.08.1997 on the Protection of Personal Data Year; consolidated text. Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 101.