Christian Molaro
Cristian Molaro is an independent DB2 specialist and an IBM Gold Consultant.
He was recognized by IBM as an Information Champion in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
His main activity is linked to DB2 for z/OS and LUW administration and performance.
He has presented papers at several international conferences and local user groups in Europe and North America. He is coauthor of 9 IBM Redbooks related to DB2 including the recent „DB2 11 Performance Topics”. He also contributed as a Technical Editor in IBM’s „DB2 Essentials” by Raul Chong and Clara Liu.
Cristian is past-Chairman of the IDUG EMEA Conference Planning Committee, and he is Chairman of the DB2 LUW User Group BeLux.
Cristian was recognized by IBM as „TOP” EMEA Consultant in 2011 and 2013.