How to become our member? It is simple. Just need to complete this document
Deklaracja Pdug (107.9 KiB)
Skarbka Z Gór 140F /4
03-287 Warszawa
How does my company benefit from PDUG membership?
PDUG membership:
- Increases the recognition of my company
- PDUG members are more than welcome to give technical presentations during PDUG conferences and technical events. When a presenter introduces themselves, they have a chance to briefly introduce their company, the project they are working on, and its achievements. In essence, it is an advertisement for the company and contributes to how it is perceived. It allows the company to build an image that shows that it employs highly-qualified professionals, experts in the field of DB2 technology and authors of particular resolutions (e.g. presentations concerning experiences working with DB2 or the implementation of some solutions).
- Encourages cooperation and networking
- PDUG meetings provide opportunities for discussing potential cooperation with other sites, starting new projects or discussing partnerships to work on projects at other sites.
- Provides educational opportunities for employees
- PDUG’s educational events, with presentations and workshops given by top-class DB2 specialists (clients, DB2 developers), are organized locally in Poland and for free. The only costs are the business trip expenses (transportation, hotel) – please compare to the costs of sending your employee to a conference, training session or a workshop abroad and additionally paying a conference/training/workshop fee.
- PDUG’s conference and presentation content is handpicked by the group members, thus the topics are well defined and they meet the needs and expectations of the participants.
- PDUG conferences offer participants a chance to take IBM DB2 exams at a significantly discounted rate.
- PDUG meetings provide a chance to update your practical knowledge – access to first-hand information that is not found in a book or is written in very small print.
- Learning about the experiences of other sites concerning the implementation of new DB2 functionalities or versions equips your employees with essential information for the early recognition of potential dangers and opportunities for your on-going and future projects.
- PDUG membership gives you a voice to be heard in IBM. With the support of PDUG members you will be more successful in influencing the functionality of the new DB2 versions through issuing Requests for Enhancement (RFE).
How do I benefit from PDUG membership?
PDUG membership allows you to develop your knowledge, qualifications and professional competences by:
- providing opportunities for free participation in educational events;
- providing IBM DB2 certification discounts during PDUG events;
- encouraging the development of presentation skills for presenting DB2 technicalities;
- increasing your recognition in the local labour market;
- creating chances for face-to-face business networking.
Membership Fees
Every new Poland DB2 Users Group member is required to pay an annual membership fee which is regulated by the act passed by the PDUG Managing Board. The act can be found in the documents section / “Resolutions” catalog. Your fees are used to maintain PDUG’s resources (e.g. website) and to organize our group’s future conferences.
PDUG’s bank account where you can send your membership fees:
Bank ING
94 1050 1025 1000 0090 8064 0205.
When making your transfer please give your full name and specify which year the fee concerns.