
PDUG conference Cracow July 2022 – Agenda & Registration


After an almost two-year break, it’s time for a stationary conference! On June 9 and 10, 2022. The 19th conference of the Polish User Group Db2 will take place in Krakow!

The conference in Krakow will be data wholesalers on topics with databases and Db2 wholesalers. It will also be a time to get to know better, renew contacts and new Db2 users!

We invite you to register!


The event will take place at the IBM BTO BCS Customer Center in Krakow at Armii Krajowej 20 and will last two days (Thursday and Friday). During two consecutive periods, presentations on two thematic paths:

1) Db Linux, Unix and Windows and

2) Db2 for z / OS.

On Thursday evening we will invite all students to an integration evening preceded by a short walk around the center of Krakow.


Agenda konferencja-krakow_2022-page-002


– See you soon.  PDUG board


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