PBR RPN and other Availability Enhancements in Db2 for z/OS

This session will take a look at availability improvements delivered in Db2 12, including explaining what PBR RPN is and why it’s an important step forwards in terms of availability and scalability. We will also review recent availability enhancements delivered in APARs.

Db2 for z/OS Utilities Update

The IBM Db2 for z/OS Utilities Suite is an area of intense activity, delivering significant further enhancements for performance, availability and usability. This session will explain what improvements have been made over the past couple of years, many with V11 PTFs, that you can take advantage of today.

O ekosystemie Db2 w hurtowniach danych

Syn marnotrawny powrócił Po latach nieobecności Marcin postanowił przekuć trochę swojej wiedzy i doświadczeń w prezentacje o ekosystemie Db2. Będzie o funkcjonalnościach samego motoru oraz rozwiązaniach IBM, które wspomagają budowanie ekosystemu hurtowni.

Implementacja HADR w środowisku RedHat

W ramach prezentacji zostaną pokazane zagadnienia związane z implementacją Db2 HADR w systemi RedHat jak również zautomatyzowanie klastera za pomocą oporgoramowania Tivoli Systems Automation. Omówione zostaną narzędzia przydatne w diagnozowaniu problemów w Db2 / TSA / RSCT

Db2 for zOS V12 Migration Planning and New Functionalities

Db2 12 for z/OS Migration Planning & Continuous Delivery Workshop focuses on how you can quickly upgrade to Db2 Migration and Continuous Delivery and take advantage of new functions and features related with System, zHW, Application Development safely and securely. Objectives: Technical Overview of Db2 12 for z/OS which will cover performance enhancements for traditional … Czytaj dalej

The Db2 Event Store – Built for AI and Powered by AI

ann: awesome! do we mention here hybridcloud, not just multicloud? tijay: same database where ever you use it, no mix of limitations by form factor ann: and performance, simplicity, does it resonate? tijay: running tx&olap over the same cluster and same copy of data – simplicity evee: and performance on all workloads without tuning – … Czytaj dalej

IBM Integrated Analytics System

Analytics in a hybrid environment is where the market is heading.  This means being able to handle data in motion as well as rest.  Integration with the cloud.  Leveraging NoSQL data sources like JSON and more.  Come and here about the latest news on IBM’s analytic appliance leveraging the Db2 and Netezza-based Common SQL Engine.  … Czytaj dalej

Hybrid Data Management Strategy and Update

With the focus on data driven organizations and the proliferation of devices, vast volumes and variety of business data – users are looking at how to take advantage of all of this data to derive needed insights.  These insights will help drive corporations forward and create new competitive approaches in the market. In this session … Czytaj dalej

Db2 V11.5 – The Latest Release

The next significant version of Db2 LUW is just about to hit the streets and in this session we will take a look at what Db2 V11.5 will bring to our clients in 2019.  This will include a look at the SQL:2016 JSON capabilities, enhancements to pureScale, new capabilities and performance around BLU, new security … Czytaj dalej

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