Db2 Technology Update and Futures by John Lind and Jessica Rockwood

Jon Lind and Jessica Rockwood will during this session discuss of the technology advances delivered in v11.1. Specifically looking at the technology advances in areas of BLU Acceleration, pureScale, JSON, Restful API support amongst many others. In addition, both will discuss future technology that the Db2 is pursuing in the areas of reliability, analytics, application … Czytaj dalej

Db2 BLU: understanding and optimizing columnar queries – by Kamil Kuduk

Db2 BLU (columnar) queries can be written exactly the same as those working with row engine, but they are processed differently by the database. In this talk I will try to explain the difference, show how to analyze the execution plan for columnar queries and how to make them more efficient.

Db2 – the Common SQL Engine – by Jessica Rockwood

The world of data management  is changing rapidly and Db2 has changed along with it. This presentation will look at some of the trends and disruptions that are affecting all of us and describe how Db2 has evolved to continue to offer you the flexibility needed to manage your data in the modern world with … Czytaj dalej

Proactive Performance Management Using Analytics – by Steen Rasmussen

Understanding “the normal behavior” of the DB2 applications (static as well as dynamic SQL) can be a challenge, but using existing performance metrics and baseline these could put you in a situation where you can take action before the SLA’s are violated and even save you a lot of headaches in the “war room” finger … Czytaj dalej

Db2 12 for z/OS Performance Topics – by Bart Steegmans

This presentation discusses the performance highlights of the latest Db2 for z/OS version. Topics that will be discussed are overall performance enhancements to existing features as well as new performance related features, such as Fast Index Traversal, Contiguous Buffer pools, and Fast Unclustered inserts to name a few.  As a co-author of the DB2 12 … Czytaj dalej

Top 25+ SQL Tuning Tips – by Tony Andrews

This covers many standards, guidelines every IT department should have for SQL programming This covers many of the efficiencies/inefficiencies of the SQL code This cover many of the ‘Do not code this way’, ‘Code this way’ examples This is a great start for developers to know possible SQL issues Great SQL examples throughout

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